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    Voting on the new map of Nepal in their parliament which is covering Indian territory

    Kathmandu / New Delhi: The parliament of Nepal voted on Saturday on the new map which also includes the Indian territory. A special session was held to vote on a constitution amendment bill to update the map. In this map, Nepal has declared parts of India located on the hill as its own. There has been an objection from India about this map. The news agency PTI quoted Parliament’s spokesperson Rojnath Pandey as saying that the Convention Bill has been put up for discussion before the House of Representatives. Voting will be done after the discussion ends.

    They reportedly said that work is on to put this bill in the House for voting today. The map was approved by the ruling party of Nepal last month, following which India reacted sharply, saying the move was “one-sided” and not based on historical facts. The opposition party Nepali Congress said that it will vote in favor of this amendment.

    Before voting on the constitutional amendment on the new map of the country in the Nepali parliament, India on Thursday said in a friendly tone that it gives deep importance to its friendly relations with Nepal. Voting on the new map is possible in the Nepali Parliament on Saturday, despite India’s strong objections, showing the Lipulekh, Kalapani and Limpiyadhura regions as part of Nepal. India has raised objections and has repeatedly said that all three are its parts.

    India’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Anurag Shrivastava said, “We have already clarified our position on these subjects. India attaches great importance to its cultural and friendly relations with Nepal. ” Srivastava said, “Our multifaceted bilateral partnership has expanded and diversified in recent years. Along with this, the focus has been on humanitarian, development and connectivity projects with the help of India. ”

    Earlier this week, the Nepali parliament unanimously supported the proposal under which the new map is to be approved by the Constitution Amendment Bill.

    Meanwhile, Army Chief MM Narwane said on Saturday morning that our relations with Nepal are strong. We have geographical, cultural, historical and religious affiliations. The mutual relations (people to people) between our people are very strong. Our relations with Nepal have always been strong and will remain strong in the future as well.


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