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    Whey Protein and Anti-Ageing: What You Ought to Know

    The applications of whey protein stretch way beyond just being a workout supplement and is the perfect source for mitigating all your body’s protein-related woes. Moreover, whey protein is one of the most widely used artificial protein sources. In fact, the global whey protein market is all set to grow with a CAGR of 9.8% by 2027. 

    With applications extending beyond the fitness world, whey protein powder also has a multitude of anti-ageing benefits. So, how does whey protein propagate anti-ageing in people? Read on to find out!

    Benefits Provided by Whey Protein

    With whey protein powder winning out the race of the most widely-used protein supplement in New Zealand, here are a few benefits it poses to anti-ageing:

    • Keeps Osteoporosis at Bay

    As people start ageing, they eventually start losing the ability to hold up their strong bones and muscles. This problem is especially prominent amongst older adults who consume a deficit of protein in their diet every day. Therefore, they start experiencing problems such as loss in bone density, leading to further weakness, increased risk of bone breakage, etc. All of this is cumulatively referred to as a condition known as osteoporosis. 

    In order to prevent osteoporosis, it is advisable to consume whey protein daily. And according to a certain survey, all adults who choose to add around 20g of whey protein in their daily meals experienced faster healing of fractures, and this goes a long way in preventing Osteoporotic fractures.

    Meat is also a brilliant source of protein, but whey protein powder provides all essential amino acids that take their place as the building blocks of the human body.

    • Provides a Boost to Your Metabolism 

    The thermogenesis effect is a lot greater for protein than for fats and carbohydrates. But wait! What is thermogenesis? Well, thermogenesis, in simple terms, means the surge in your metabolism after eating certain kinds of foods.

    Whey protein is beneficial in this case since it not only offers a high thermogenic effect but also houses high-fat oxidation properties. So replace protein sources in your diet (e.g., eggs, butter, milk, etc.) with whey protein and notice a significant boost in your metabolism, further slowing down ageing. 

    • Fight Life-Threatening Diseases 

    Proteins not only help keep you in shape but also acts as a suitable defence mechanism against dangerous diseases. So here are some diseases that whey protein will help you avoid. 

    • Being overweight poses an immense risk of diabetes. And since whey protein is a proven weight loss solution, it can help you cut down on the extra fat and lower the risk of diabetes. 
    • Whey protein stimulates insulin and provides a glycemic level improvement of 10%. 
    • It also reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.

    Last but not least, a certain study showed that a balanced whey protein intake in your diet could reduce the risk of life-threatening diseases and conditions by 8%. 

    • Promotes Healthy Nails, Hair, and Skin 

    The influx of sufficient amount of protein in your diet can go a long way in helping you maintain your skin, nails, and hair. So, now that you already feel good on the inside due to your whey protein intake, you will look equally good on the outside as well. 

    The various amino acids and collagen found in the whey protein help maintain the elasticity and firmness of your skin, making you look younger and better.

    Primarily being a workout supplement, whey protein powder has a plethora of other uses too. And one of them happens to be anti-ageing, and the contributions of this protein powder towards that goal are considerably high. 

    Check Out Our Blog: Creatine: The Most Used Supplement To Gain Muscle


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