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    WHO to send a team to China to Probe Coronavirus Origin

    July 04, 2020 (New Delhi)  With the rising global concerns over delay in giving information by China regarding the novel coronavirus outbreak, a team of WHO (World Health Organisation) will visit the country next week to investigate the origins of the virus.

    The recent development is coming six months after the WHO’s Country Office in China picked up a statement from the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission on cases of ”viral pneumonia”. 

    COVID-19 has infected more than a million people across the globe. It has killed over 500,000 people as the cases and deaths have been rising day by day.

    ‘’”WHO has been saying that knowing the source of the virus is very, very important. It’s science, it’s public health. We will be sending a team next week to China to prepare for that and we hope that that will lead to understanding how the virus started and what we can do for the future to prepare. So we`re planning to send a team next week,’’ WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a press conference on Thursday.

    Ghebreyesus had in January spoken about an agreement with China for sending a team of international experts “as soon as possible” to work on increasing the understanding of the outbreak.

    US President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo earlier said that the virus might have originated in a laboratory in China.


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