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    Xiaomi confirmed the release date of MIUI 12

    As Xiaomi updates its MIUI version every year, this year also they will, with many changes and optimizations, according to estimates, Xiaomi makes changes in its MIUI in every two years.

    If Looks towards the journey of the previous version from MIUI 7 to MIUI 11, then as you know that when Xiaomi had released MIUI 7, later they released MIUI 8 to the very next year and we were faced many UI changes to it as like the notification bar was entirely changed and further modifications, after launching MIUI 9, we didn’t get the UI updates, probably, it was only an optimized version of MIUI 8. Then MIUI 10 comes, then it occurs like before, as again users were seen the UI almost changed in comparison to MIUI 9, just like that MIUI 11 were only an optimized version MIUI 10.

    According to the case study, it considered that Xiaomi changes its user interface in every two years, it estimated to this time that Xiaomi changes many things in their UI.
    Xiaomi announced to their official website in the Chinese language about the launch date of MIUI 12, and they declared that MIUI 12 could be released at the last of April, in comparison to the older versions, MIUI 12 is releasing earlier than the previous version.
    It is estimated, Xiaomi will do many changes this year to their MI user interface, considering changes including the animations and gestures, this version of MIUI can be so smoothy like IOS 13, you will access the notification Bar from downward to upward through the gestures and smooth animations.

    When it comes to the previous gestures and animation of MIUI, then it was not so smooth, but this year it will be, in the MIUI 12. As well as icons, application access and further things can be changed, and many additional changes will occur to the user interface.


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