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    Unemployment rate highest after 90 years in USA

    [su_quote]The US parliament approved the $ 500 billion package; President Trump said it would open the economy in a phased manner[/su_quote]

    According to the data released on Thursday in the US, the unemployment rate has become the highest since the Great Depression of 1930. One American worker has been fired every six months due to the coronavirus epidemic. To counter the deepening economic crisis, the US Parliament has approved a package of about US $ 500 billion.

    The government said that over 44 lakh people applied for unemployment benefits last week. With this, in the previous 5 weeks, about 26 million people have applied for unemployment benefits. The hard news for the US is also that there has been evidence that there are probably 27 million people infected in New York State, which is ten times the number confirmed by the test. Health Commissioner Barbot said that in New York City alone, out of a population of 86 million, more than one million people can be infected.

    The economic consequences of the lockdown in the US are now coming to the fore, and angry people have demanded rallies in several state capitals by taking out rallies. Some states have begun to relax the lockdown despite warnings from health officials. While it may be too early to do so due to the possibility of infection. US President Donald Trump gave aid to small businesses and millions of workers.

    We are very close to making the vaccine: Trump said that America is very close to making the COVID-19 infection vaccine. After looking at the vaccine examinations in the US, Germany, UK, and China, Trump said, “We have very amazing people with amazing minds working on this.” The test takes some time. But we’ll get it done. The US government’s top infection disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fausi, said that it would take 12 to 18 months for a vaccine to be ready for widespread use.

    Donald Trump, in favor of opening the world of business: President Donald Trump supported the reopening of the US economy in a safe and phased manner. More than 95% of the country’s population is confined to homes. Other strict steps, including social distance, are in force in the country till May 1. On Thursday, Trump indicated that all this could continue after May 1. But he strongly advocated the need to open up the economy slowly. Both the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have projected negative growth in the US in 2020.

    Trump said that every citizen needs to be vigilant to speed up the US. He said it would be encouraging to reopen our economy in a phased manner in a safe manner, but that does not mean that we take any relaxation in any way. He informed us that new cases have come down in 23 states.


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