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    CBD (cannabidiol) infused products are selling like hotcakes in the marijuana industry. Experts suggest that the sale of CBD-infused products such as CBD oils, coffee, oil, patches, balms, pet food, etc., is likely to hit more than 2billion in early 2022. So what exactly is CBD oil? CBD is one of the multiple ingredients found in the cannabis plant. Manufacturers extract it and mix it with a carrier oil such as hemp or coconut oil to make CBD oil with therapeutic benefits. Extracting CBD gives a thick oily paste with high concentrations of CBD hence CBD oil.


    What are the different ways of using CBD oil?

    Before you buy CBD oil in Colorado, it is good to familiarize yourself with the different ways of using it. They include:

    Sublingual CBD

    A way of using CBD oil is by pouring a few drops of the oil, also known as a tincture, under the tongue and holding it for as long as you can. The CBD gets into your bloodstream through the blood capillaries and mucous membranes under your tongue. That way, you experience the effect much faster compared to other forms of using CBD.

    Ingesting CBD

    Ingestible CBD oil comes in the form of tinctures, drops, or capsules. Ingesting CBD means that it goes through the digestive tract and is metabolized by the liver before making its way into your system. That means you get to experience the effect much later, but it lasts for more hours than other methods of delivering CBD.

    Inhaling CBD

    Another way of using CBD oil is by vaporizing it through an e-cigarette or vaping device and inhaling the vapor. When you inhale CBD, it enters your body system through the lungs, just like smoking cannabis. However, vaping CBD oil is believed to be a healthier delivery method compared to smoking marijuana. Most of the vaping products contain CBD and the psychoactive compound of the cannabis plant called THC.

    Topical CBD

    Topical CBD oil comes in skincare products such as balms, transdermal patches, creams, ointments, and lotions that you can apply to your skin. In most cases, topical CBD produces a localized healing effect like reducing pain or inflammation on the skin area you apply it on. Other forms of topical CBD include shampoos, soaps, personal lubricants, suppositories, and lip balms.

    How does CBD oil work in the body?

    CBD interacts with your endocannabinoid system, a critical messaging network in your body that regulates your psychological functions. Ideally, the cannabinoid is good for your health because even the brain produces its own cannabinoids. Some of the psychological processes associated with cannabinoids include:

    • Pain perception.
    • Immune function, e.g., inflammation.
    • Mood, sleep, and memory.
    • Motor function.
    • Digestion, metabolism, and appetite.
    • Fertility and pregnancy.

    In other words, the above mentioned are the ways you can benefit from CBD oil health-wise.

    What is the proof that CBD oil works?

    The most substantial proof that CBD oil works is that it reduces seizures in two types of epilepsy found in children: Lennox-Gastaut and Dravet syndrome. Due to that evidence, the food and drug authority (FDA) has approved Epidiolex, a liquid CBD-derived antiseizure drug.

    Another substantial evidence that CBD works is that it manages a disorder known as multiple sclerosis. Another report also established that CBD oil also helps improve sleep, especially in people suffering from chronic pain.

    Furthermore, another research has shown that CBD oil is rich in amino acids, which nourish the skin, hair, and nails. It is also a strong antioxidant that limits the production of free radicals that can damage the skin. So when used as a skin product, it helps keep the skin healthy. More research into CBD and cannabis as a whole is underway.

    Can you get high on CBD oil?

    The truth is you can’t get high on CBD oil. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the component that causes the stoning effect or high associated with marijuana, so you must know the kind of CBD oil you are buying. There are two types of CBD oil.

    Hemp-derived CBD oil

    Hemp CBD oil is extracted from low THC cannabis plants. This is the kind of CBD oil you will find in wellness stores such as the Higher Love Wellness and nutrition stores. It is infused in beverages, coffee, drinks, and also skincare products. Hemp-derived CBD oil is not intoxicating because it contains less than 0.3% THC, which is why it is legal in the United States.

    Many people are embracing hemp-derived CBD oil because it results in the relaxing and therapeutic effects of marijuana without the intoxicating effect. So don’t worry about hemp-derived CBD oil impairing your thinking. It can help you relieve pain or anxiety without altering your brain in any way.

    Marijuana-derived CBD oil

    Cannabis-derived CBD oil comes from cannabis plants with high THC content. However, different marijuana-derived CBD oils feature varying amounts of CBD: THC percentage, usually listed on the product label. Any CBD oil with THC above 0.3% is marijuana-derived, and it can cause a high. Therefore it is controlled and is only sold in medical or recreational marijuana dispensaries in states where marijuana is legal.

    Is CBD oil safe?

    Although we need more research into CBD oil’s benefits and side effects, many experts consider hemp-derived CBD oil safe because it doesn’t contain THC. CBD has no effects indicating abuse or dependency potential in human beings, and currently, there is no evidence of health effects related to CBD.

    Therefore hemp-derived CBD oil is safe. However, you must buy it from a registered and licensed store; otherwise, a safe product can be harmful if not well labeled. Also, using poor-quality CBD is not advisable as it can lead to unpleasant side effects such as headaches, dizziness, seizures, nausea, and vomiting.


    There are two kinds of CBD oil: hemp-derived CBD oil, which doesn’t contain THC, and marijuana-derived CBD oil with THC. Hemp-derived CBD oil is considered safe as it provides therapeutic benefits such as pain and stress alleviation. Still, ensure you buy your CBD oil from a reputable store.


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