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    YouTube to add non-skippable ads soon

    Soon, YouTube is implementing an innovation that bloggers will really like, but will disappoint ordinary users. We are talking about advertising before the video, which can not be missed. Thus, video hosting wants to motivate existing authors and attract new ones, increasing their possible earnings.

    Other minor UI change:

    The other updated which is now visible India after 480p video playback is the comment section. The comment section on YouTube is now moved up, just below the video. Earlier in 2019, there were few people who got this feature, but that time it was not officially released, but this time it is. Now the comments are shown just below the video. This visual change may take some time to adjust with. Going with the Reddit and other forums, many are not doing well with this update.

    It is officially announced:

    The upcoming update was announced on the official YouTube Creator Insider channel for bloggers and other platform members. It is reported that from next week, authors will be able to place ads in front of their videos, when played which there will be no Skip button.

    Previously, only a couple of hundreds of YouTube Partners campaign participants could use this option, but now it is available to owners of any channels with activated monetization. YouTube claims that this will significantly increase the income of the authors, but they do not give specific figures. Which is an excellent move from youtube side. We are sure of that, and it will again face a huge backfire of consumers. And Google will once again ignore it.

    Use premium:

    Users who are unsatisfied with the innovation are encouraged to start using the paid YouTube Premium subscription. India, it costs around 200 rupees a month and offers the following features on the site and in the service’s applications: no ads, background sound from the video, offline mode and access to exclusive videos from the YouTube Originals collection.


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