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    12 migrant laborers injured in bus-truck collision, 7 in critical condition; 39 people were on the bus

    • The bus left Noida and was going to Bhagalpur in Bihar
    • Bus collides with truck in an attempt to overtake

    Kushinagar: A bus collided with a truck in Kushinagar district of Uttar Pradesh. 12 migrant laborers on board the bus were injured in the accident. The injured were admitted to Tamkuhi CHC. 7 of them were referred to the district hospital due to critical condition. The bus was going to Bhagalpur in Bihar with 39 people from Noida.

    Chief Minister gave instructions for investigation

    The accident took place on Sunday night at 9:30 pm on NH-28 in Patherwa area. The bus collided with the truck in an attempt to overtake the bus near Dumharbhar village. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath directed the district administration to arrange treatment for the injured and investigate the accident. The administration has sought an inquiry report from the authorities concerned.

    Prayagraj police will monitor the movement of workers

    24 migrant laborers were killed in the accident on Saturday in Auraiya of Uttar Pradesh. Taking a lesson from this, the Prayagraj Zone Police has decided that the loading vehicles (goods carriers) carrying migrant laborers will be monitored. Only empty vehicles, which will not carry any heavy goods, will be allowed to carry people. Migrants will not be allowed to go by two-wheeler or cycle, they will not be able to travel even on foot. Police will also keep an eye on the speed of vehicles.


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