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    Marathon meeting between military commanders for nearly 14 hours, discussion on further withdrawal of Chinese army

    Military commander-level talks between the two countries lasted more than 14 hours between India and China over the withdrawal of troops from the eastern Ladakh border. Military commander-level talks with the LAC regarding the withdrawal of India and Chinese forces concluded at the Chushul border post in eastern Ladakh. The talks between the military commanders of the two countries at Chushul, the Indian side of the LAC, began at 11.30 am on Tuesday (14 June) and ended at around 2 pm on 15 July. The meeting lasted for 14 and a half hours.

    In this meeting there was an in-depth discussion on how to take it forward with a review of the steps taken so far for military withdrawal of the LAC from the disputed area. This was the fourth military-level dialogue between the two countries. Three rounds of talks have taken place at the level of the Ministry of External Affairs.

    On July 5, an open and in-depth conversation took place over the telephone dispute between India and China Special Representative Ajit Doval and Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Affairs Minister Wang Yi on the border dispute. Representatives of both countries agreed that both sides should expedite the ongoing disengagement process with the LAC.


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