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    Big relief in Unlock-1, There will be no need of Pass to travel anywhere

    New Delhi: Once again the lockdown in the country has been extended for a month to combat the Coronavirus. Lockdown 5.0 has been named as Unlock 1 by the Central Government. According to the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs, this time the lockdown will be opened in three different phases. The biggest relief in Unlock 1 is that now there will be no need to take curfew pass or any kind of permission to go from one state to another. However, there will be a curfew in the country from 9 am to 5 am.

    According to the new guidelines issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs, there will be no restriction of people and goods from one state to another. With this, it has also been made clear that permission will no longer be required to go to any state. However, people moving from one district to another during this period will have to follow social distancing. Along with this, the states have also been given the freedom that if they ever feel that a ban should be imposed then they can put it, but it has to be informed in advance.

    Significantly, in the fourth phase of the lockdown, there was an exemption to move from one state to another but for this permission had to be obtained from the DM. With this, curfew passes had to be made to go from one state to another. In Unlock 1, the government has given relaxation in any such rules.

    The curfew will remain from 9 to 5 in the night

    It is to be noted here that according to the guideline issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs, there will be a curfew on the movement of people across the country from 9 am to 5 am. In such a situation, people going from one state to another will have to go within the stipulated time. No one will be allowed to travel at night. It is worth mentioning that till now curfew was imposed from 7 am to 7 am.

    Read More: After completion of one year of NDA 2.0, Nadda said – Seven decade gap has been filled in the last six years under Modi’s leadership


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