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    Irfan Khan became a part of mother’s funeral through video conferencing

    Saeda Begum, the mother of Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan, get died yesterday, April 26 at her Jaipur residence in Rajasthan. She breathed her last in Jaipur on Saturday evening.

    Irfan Khan

    Son, Irrfan Khan felt sad to be a part of his mother’s funeral through video conferencing. He got his mother cremated by video conferencing as per rules.

    Irfan Khan’s mother was 95 years old and her health was not fair for some previous time. He is trapped abroad these days of lockdown in the country, therefore, he could not even see his mother’s face for the last time.

    His mother Saeeda Begum belonged to a family of Nawabs.

    Saeeda Begum has three sons Irrfan, Salman, Imran. As Irfan Khan was not thereafter his mother demise, but her second son Salman’s reaction had definitely come to the fore. Salman told that his mother was very ill for a long time and suddenly her health get deteriorated on Saturday morning.


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