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    The Creative Soul Christopher Swanger Bringing Ideas to Life Through His Love for Art

    Christopher Swanger made major differences by creating art with no regrets at all since he dove deep into the sea of art. A guy who passed out with a Bachelor’s degree in visual communication and graphic design. Christopher, the rising artist, is a certified Adobe expert in Photoshop and showcased his art and crafts in various magazines and publications that fueled his star power. A 3o year of revolution seems unstoppable and has eyes on the future of art.

    Creative Blast From the Past

    Christopher Swanger has been addicted to art since he was 5 years old and went to enhance his passion by learning animation and art. He wanted to discover something more and focused on graphic design and photography. Christopher also revealed his intelligence by designing web and mobile apps. Later, he jumped into UX/UI designs and creative direction for the company Razorfish. After all these things, Christopher stuck to his photography charisma and decided to do something larger than life without breaks.

    The Charm of Photography and Nft’s

    Christopher turned his mind towards the NFT’s emerging charisma and created many photo composites, combining several images or elements to produce original and real art. He began receiving numerous requests to create mind-blowing art and NFTs for his customers who wanted those pieces of art as prints. The artistic workflow led him to the NFT market, where he now sells all his artwork, photo collages, and photography as NFT Collections.

    Photography Genres of Creating Art

    If we talk about the choices and genres, then photographic art relies on creative portraits, soothing landscapes, enchanting night photography, and super creative product photography to cover a large audience by producing all kinds of photographic styles and genres.

    Christopher has a renowned image in the industry and worked with several famous artists such as Quiet Riot, MAstadon, Machine Head, Dweezle Zappa, and Steven Adler from Guns N Roses. When asked about his passion for photography and art, so he shared,

    “It’s what I do. It’s what I’ll always do.”

    Contributing to Society,

    His target audience is those looking for the coolest and most rated art, prints, and NFTs. Christopher aims to produce more dynamics in his artwork and photographic styles to drill out more innovations and achievements. Anyone can follow his page to search for swagadelic.shotz or swagadelic-shotz to get the latest and fresh art and NFT collections. Art lovers can also visit his website at www.chrisswanger.com and his Instagram profile at swagadelic.shotz to get what they have been looking for a long time.

    Now, It’s Over to You

    Christopher has a heart full of art and a mind full of creativity that needs to be discovered. His NFTs rely on something different approach that parts his artwork from the boring ape and monkey NFTs. 

    Christopher also creates some mind-blowing works as creative carpentry work that makes stunning custom live edge tables and river tables, and it can be found easily at www.customrivertables.com. He also partnered with a distillery where he makes moonshine, whiskey, and rum by availing over 100-year-old recipes from his forefathers.


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