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    Gujrat Congress leader Badruddin Shaikh died of Corona pandemic

    Badruddin Shaikh the senior Congress leader and Ahmedabad corporator succumbed to the novel coronavirus on Sunday.

    Badruddin Shaikh’s condition deteriorated after testing positive for COVID-19. He was admitted to SVP Hospital in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, 11 days ago after a positive test.

    After battling the virus for eight days, Badruddin Sheikh succumbed.

    “I am at a loss of words. Badrubhai, as we called him, was stellar of strength and patience. A senior leader of our Gujarat Congress community, I knew him for 40 years when he was with YouthCongress. He was relentlessly working with poor people and was infected with COVID-19. RIP my friend”A National spokesperson Shaktisinh Gohil tweeted yesterday, April 26.

    He had many of the health issues such as high blood pressure and diabetes and recently had heart surgery.

    Badruddin Shaikh was also a trusty of the Sheikh Khwaja Garib Nawaz Trust in 2005 and a member of the Prime Minister’s Haj delegation. He started his political career as an NSUI activist.


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