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    COVID-19 World news: Global toll near to 3 Million with 207,022 fatalities registered

    Coronavirus initiated from Wuhan city in China, and now more than 190 countries are facing a health crisis due to coronavirus. The whole world is in menace as no vaccine is discovered yet. As per Worldometer, there are a total of 2,995,757 COVID-19 cases so far. Only 881,644 patients recovered successfully, and around 207,022 fatalities are recorded so far. Currently, around 1,907,091 cases are active globally out of which 57,603 patients are in serious condition.

    This is how the statistics are multiplying

    The United States of America is the most affected country and has the maximum number of cases in comparison to other countries. There are a total of 987,322 confirmed COVID-19 cases. Around 55,415 patients lost their lives due to this epidemic. Only 118,781 recovered cases are confirmed so far in the USA. The biggest hotspots of Coronavirus in the USA are New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Illinois, and California.

    Spain is the second country having the most number of COVID-19 cases. There are a total of 226,629 cases out of which, 117,727 patients are recovered, and around 23,190 patients are died due to this Pandemic. Currently, 7,764 patients are in dangerous conditions.

    197,675 cases are recorded in Italy, out of which around 26,644 patients died so far. 64,928 recoveries are confirmed in Italy yet.

    Social distancing and to follow the lockdown is the only way to defeat the Pandemic.


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