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    Strengthening online education System: HRD Minister

    Corona has affected every section, but the closure of school and college has stalled the students’ studies and examinations. Even after the lockdown opens, it is not expected that schools will be able to open colleges. In such a situation, the Bureau Chief of India Madan Jada had a special conversation with Human Resource Development Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank about the alternative preparations of the government.

    [su_quote cite=”Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank”]This is a suitable time for the Ministry of Human Resource Development when the online education system in India can be further strengthened and facilitated. In this episode, recently launched the “India Read Online” campaign.[/su_quote]

    Even if the lockdown opens on May 3, the schools are unlikely to open. In such a situation, what will happen to students’ studies, exams and admissions?

    The government has set up a task force of NCERT for alternative arrangements in the school. In view of this challenge, he will soon give his suggestions regarding the academic calendar and examinations. Based on this, appropriate guidelines will be issued. States will be developing their own educational calendars, with education being a concurrent subject. In which assessment, schedule, teaching hours and holidays will be extended based on the prevailing situation at the local level. Meanwhile, to ensure that students learn, various initiatives have been taken by the Ministry by Digital Infrastructure and Knowledge Sharing, e Pathshala, National Repository of Open Educational Resources, Swam Prabha DTH channel etc.

    Since lockdown, there have been 3318532 and 1888855 page views on E Pathshala and Deeksha respectively.

    But the problem is not just the schools, examinations are pending in professional colleges and higher education, when will we get there?

    The Ministry of Human Resource Development in Higher Education has created a task force under the UGC to decide various ways of conducting the examination. The workforce will address important issues such as the mode and means of examination and coding of examinations. The report has been received and soon we will issue guidelines based on the report.

    The risk of corona may remain for several months. In such a situation, what are the preparations of the government regarding online education?

    We are promoting online education. One, the ministry is using the already existing digital infrastructure. Which has services like Diksha, Eapatashala, DTH etc. Education has started through them. Recently I have issued alternative academic calendars for the eighth graders already. The rest will also be released for classes. Secondly, I think that this is the right time for the Ministry of Human Resource Development when the online education system in India can be made more accessible. We are committed to this.

    In this episode, recently launched the “India Pare Online” campaign. We have received more than 10,000 suggestions from students, teachers and parents. They are being studied. After that, we will decide. We will introduce a single platform for access to all our resources. The objective is to conquer the corona with the power of knowledge research.

    How long will the admission process in school colleges be delayed?

    The academic session is likely to be delayed due to the Corona epidemic. The overall impact will be determined on the reopening of educational institutions and universities after the lockdown week. Whenever universities and colleges resume the session, the examination will be conducted for the terminal semester. After the examinations, the admission process will start for the new batch, which is likely to take about a month. Admission of students to both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the new semester will start late. However, the session for the old batch students’ examination will be started earlier.

    Based on the report of the committee of the UGC, guidelines in this regard will be issued soon.

    What far-reaching impact do you see on the corona epidemic education?

    The current situation is unfortunate. But the education sector should also see it as an opportunity. People can use lockdown for new experiments. Like IIT Delhi used lockdown to make COVID test kit which has also been approved by ICMR.

    Many more such institutes are engaged in research. Similarly, students can also learn new things and increase their learning capacity by spending their time in various activities. Students getting higher and technical education can do research and research and use the time to register their participation in nation-building.

    Several entrance examinations including NEET, JEE have also been pending. How to do them?

    We have also formed a task force under UGC for conducting examinations, especially online. Based on his report, a decision will be taken regarding the conduct of NEET, JEE etc. exams. The government is in touch with the agency conducting these examinations. A state of health emergency has arisen due to COVID. Work is closed in every area. There has been a delay, but the government will protect the interest of the students. The date for the examinations will be announced after the deliberation process is completed.


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