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    20 Hotspots of COVID-19 to be sealed in Delhi

    In the battle against COVID-19, we retain to help each other by staying at home only, wearing masks, use of sanitizer, washing hands appropriately if any illness, therefore, gets to the doctor for checkup and use of tissues may save us from this vast disease satisfactorily. The Government of the entire world putting up with appropriate steps for deterrence from Novel Corona Virus. We must follow the rules as the Government declarations for containing the spreading of Corona Virus.

    Indian Administration is also stepping for our wellness in the face of lockdown and sealing the places influenced by COVID-19.

    20 Hotspots of COVID-19 sealed in Delhi

    Arvind Kejriwal is even thinking well for Delhi residents by sealing hotspots of COVID-19. Wearing of masks mandatory ordered by the CM of Delhi, if any of the solitary people will be founded without a mask, will be persecuted by volunteers.


    • Twenty hotspots of COVID-19 will be sealed in Delhi.
    • Each person not allowed to step out for any of the essential work also.
    • Tomorrow will be entirely declared the hotspots names by CM to be sealed.

    The central Government of India will declare the sealing areas on Thursday, and no time will be indicated from the Government of sealing. This disease is going to be very massive for Indians, also with all the nations in the world. That’s why the gigantic steps will be taken by the Government.


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