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    Aarogya Setu App is most downloaded app in short time – Piyush Goyal

    Arogya Setu app (Aarogya Setu) became the choice of 50 million (5 lakh) users in just 13 days of launch, making it one of the most downloaded apps in the world in such a short time.

    The government app Arogya Setu, created to warn people against coronavirus infection, has been downloaded 100 million times so far. The Arogya Setu App (Aarogya Setu), launched on 2 April, made a choice of 50 million (5 lakh) users in just 13 days of launch, making it one of the most downloaded apps in the world in such a short time. .

    Union Railway Minister Piyush Goyal has also given information through this tweet.

    Arogya Setu is a tracking app. This app has the facility to detect cases related to corona virus infection via GPS system and Bluetooth. Arogya Setu App is made for both Android and iPhone. The app uses the Bluetooth, location and mobile number of the user’s phone to track whether it has come in contact with any COVID-19 positive person. In this app, options like Help Center and Self Assessment Test of Corona are available.

    The app includes a chatbot that answers your basic questions on the corono virus and determines whether you have symptoms of corona infection. It also gives the helpline number of each state in India.

    Mandatory for traveling in train

    Indian Railways has made it mandatory to download ‘Arogya Setu App’ in the phone for travel in special passenger trains starting from 12 May. The Railway Ministry has given its information by tweeting it. Railway officials say that those whose phones will not have the Arogya Setu App, they will have to download the app at the station itself and only then they will be allowed to board the train.

    Service for landline

    Apart from this, the Government of India has recently launched IVRS service for feature phones and landlines. The Union Health Ministry gave information about this and said that ‘Arogya Setu Interactive Voice Response System’ has been started by expanding the scope of ‘Arogya Setu’ mobile app for feature mobile phones and landline phone users in the country. The ministry told that Arogya Setu Interactive Voice Response System ‘(IVRS) is a free service that is available in the entire country.


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