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    Being a Pandit was cheating of 22 thousand, two arrested

    The two accused, who were arrested for allegedly cheating a man in the name of buying a microwave on OLX, have revealed another incident. Accused said that in April, 22 thousand rupees were cheated by becoming Pandits familiar with the father of the young man resident of Sector-78. ACP Crime Preetpal told that other members of his gang are being searched. Sector-56 Heewo Apartment resident was cheated on OLX with Vaibhav.

    In which the accused had transferred Rs 4 thousand from the account in the name of microwave. On Friday, the Cyber ​​Police Police arrested Harish and Naseeb, residents of Alwar, Rajasthan. On police remand, the accused said that on April 22, 22,000 rupees were cheated by telling Panditji.


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