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    Boris Johnson Government faces Backlash on Twitter over Coronavirus ‘’Sex Ban’’

    June 02, 2020 – British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Tuesday faced a widespread backlash and mockery on Twitter over – labeled by some tabloid as ‘’sex ban’’- coronavirus measure guidelines that were aimed at containing the infections and keeping people safe.

    Casting as a ‘bonking ban’ by British tabloid media, amendments were introduced on Monday that says, ‘’no person may participate in a gathering which takes place in a public or private place indoors and consists of two or more persons.’’

    People from all walks of life in the United Kingdom resort to twitter under the #Sexban pointed out to Johnson’s flamboyant personal life while others took a potshot on his senior advisor Dominic Cummings for breaching the lockdown rules.

    #Sexban was reported to be the number one trending topic on Twitter in the United Kingdom

    His own party’s lawmaker Tobias Ellwood told ITV that the policy appeared to be absurd. “I am happy to say it is ridiculous,”

    Another one came from renowned Irish standup comedian Patrick Monahan who took a dig at the newly imposed amendments from his official twitter handle, that says

    ‘’I’m worried about this new law that people aren’t allowed to have sex with someone from a different home, but you can sleep with your Granddad because he lives in the same house as you. I think someone needs to go on a long drive to Durham to clear their head. #sexban #tuesday.’’

    Meanwhile, 10 Downing Street downplayed with the newly imposed regulation saying, “The police do not have the power to enter people’s homes under the regulations. They cannot enter your home unless they expect serious criminal activity is taking place there.”

    The newly introduced legislation banning people from socializing with anyone in a private, indoor space with anyone they do not live with, doesn’t apply to sports professionals, people attending funerals, carers, those moving home, those with unavoidable work commitments and vulnerable persons fleeing a risk of violence.


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