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    PM Modi-Donald Trump talks on Indo-China border dispute

    Five days ago, President Donald Trump claimed that he talked to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and he is not in a good mood about China. India denied it. But on Tuesday, both the leaders also spoke on the telephone and there has been a lot of discussion on the ongoing border dispute with India-China. Earlier, there was a discussion between Modi and Trump on April 4, but then the agenda of the conversation was mainly limited to Covid-19.

    The agenda of talks between the two leaders on Tuesday was quite broad. From expanding the organization of Group-7 countries, to the violence that has erupted in many American cities, and all the options for major reforms in the World Health Organization (WHO), both have been discussed between the two countries. During a telephone call, President Trump stated his intention to expand the existing organization of Group-7 countries.

    He told how the US wants other important countries including India to join it. Trump also invited PM Modi to join him while talking about holding a meeting of the new organization in September 2020. There are indications that PM Modi has accepted the invitation. Modi has welcomed the proposal as a visionary move.

    Modi said that such an organization would have its own importance given the importance of the post-Covid-19 era. Modi said that India will be happy to make such an organization successful with the United States and other countries. It is evident that India has given its support. The Ministry of External Affairs has said that the situation of Covid-19 in India and America was discussed between the two leaders as well as some other bilateral matters.


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