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    Preparing to answer China? By calling Trump Trump invited G-7 to PM Modi

    Amid the ongoing tension from China, Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke to US President Donald Trump on phone on Tuesday. During this time Donald Trump invited PM Modi for the G-7 conference. President Trump also expressed his desire to include India in the G7. The two leaders talked about the Corona epidemic, World Health Organization (WHO) reform and G-7. There was also a discussion between PM Modi and Donald Trump about the ongoing dispute between India and China.

    PM Modi also said that such a strong organization (G-7) is needed in the post-Corona period. The PM said that it is a matter of pleasure to work together with America and other countries for the success of this conference. Prime Minister Modi expressed concern about the ongoing violence in America and wished the situation to be rectified soon.

    Negotiations on a dispute with China

    There was also a discussion between PM Modi and Donald Trump on the ongoing dispute between India and China. Donald Trump recently talked about proposing mediation between India and China. This offer of Trump was rejected by India and China.

    President Trump also recalled his visit to India in February this year during talks. He mentioned the great reception in India. During this, Prime Minister Modi said that this visit has been memorable and historic. It has also added new momentum to bilateral relations.

    There was a conversation between PM Modi and Donald Trump at a time when China is having a dispute with India and America. The US is blaming China for the coronavirus. America says Corona spread all over the world from Wuhan’s lab. At the same time, the LAC in Ladakh has been under tension between India and China for almost a month. India is giving a befitting reply to every Chinese conspiracy. China is sure to get chilly after talks between the two leaders.

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