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    Cancer patient dies due to lack of treatment, demand for compensation

    Due to corona, patients of other diseases are not getting treatment. Due to this, death of patients has also started. Irfan Ali, 40, a resident of Kabir Nagar in Shahdara, East Delhi, died on Saturday night. Ali was undergoing treatment at Delhi State Cancer Institute. Ali died on Saturday night while fighting cancer. Ali’s brother Akeel said that for the past one year, his brother was undergoing treatment at Delhi State Cancer Institute. He was undergoing chemotherapy there. But he has not had chemotherapy since February.

    He was closed for several days due to corona infection in the hospital staff. After April 20, the hospital opened several times and visited the hospital but did not get treatment. In the month of May too, many trips were made, but they were sent back each time. On the 12th, at the behest of AAP leader Dilip Pandey, we went to the hospital and sent him back with medicines. Did not do chemotherapy. Akil said that my brother died due to the negligence of the government.

    Government should give us compensation and action should be taken against those who are not getting treatment. Advocate Ashok Aggarwal, who helped the poor in treatment, said that the medicines given to Irfan on May 12 when he went to the hospital were stomach pain rather than cancer. I got the letter Irfan sent to me. Doctors said that there was no cure for cancer, given medicines for stomach pain. He did not pick up the phone when Dr. BL Sherwal called the medical director of the hospital to know his side.


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