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    Central government instructed 50% of its junior employees to come to office from the end of one day

    The central government on Monday asked 50 percent of its junior employees below the deputy secretary level to come to office. As of now, only 33 per cent of the employees in this category were asked to come to office due to the applicable lockdown due to Covid-19. The order states that to regulate the attendance of officers and employees below the Deputy Secretary level, all the Heads of Departments have been asked to prepare a roster (duty chart) to ensure that 50 percent of the officers and employees are one. Come to the office at the end of the day.

    In the copy of the order sent by the Ministry of Personnel to all the departments of the Central Government, it is said that 50 percent of the officers and employees who do not come to the office for a day, work from home and are available at all times on telephone and other electronic means of contact. Stay

    It has been said in the order that all officers of the Deputy Secretary level and their senior level should come to office on every working day. The Ministry of Personnel said that all the Heads of Departments have been asked to ensure that 50 percent of the officers and employees coming to the office, all of them reach the office at different times.

    Minister of Personnel Affairs Jitendra Singh said that allowing 50 per cent officers / employees to come to office is a step taken to restore normal functioning in central government offices.


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