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    Chandra Grahan Today: 3 eclipses one after another, know the science behind today’s lunar eclipse

    New Delhi: The second lunar eclipse of this year is starting from 11.16 pm on June 5. Its duration will be around a quarter to three hours. This eclipse can be seen in Asia, Australia and Africa, South America, Atlantic. This will be the penumbral Lunar Eclipse. A solar eclipse is also seen on 21 June. After that, the lunar eclipse will again take place on 5 July. Within a month, three eclipses finally fell 58 years ago in July-August. This yoga is now being made in June-July in 2020. There are a total of six eclipses this year, out of which two are solar eclipses and the rest are lunar eclipses.

    What is the occult lunar eclipse?

    According to astrologers, the eclipse lunar eclipse is considered to be a shadow of a shadow, with no effect on the size of the moon. In this, there is a blur in the moonlight of the moon. That is, the moonlight will fade a little but it will be difficult to differentiate it. The color may be slightly beige. According to science, such an eclipse occurs when the sun, the earth and the moon cannot come in a straight line. Some part of the sun’s light prevents the earth from reaching the surface of the moon. The earth then covers the entire surface of the outer surface of the moon, which is called the penumbra. It is difficult to distinguish such a moon from the full moon.

    Two conditions for a lunar eclipse

    • A subsection lunar eclipse occurs only when these two events occur simultaneously.
      The moon should be moving towards full moon i.e. the bright side is moving.
    • The Sun, Earth and Moon are in the same line but not as many as during the lunar eclipse.

    There are three types of lunar eclipse

    There are two types of eclipses in addition to the subcaste. Full lunar eclipse in which the Earth completely covers the moon. Partial lunar eclipses show some portion of the lunar surface. The moon has no light of its own, it reflects sunlight only at night. So when the earth comes between the sun and the moon, its light does not reach the moon and we do not see that much moon.


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