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    COVID-19 Breaking News : Number of cases climbs to 31,324 with 1008 fatalities so far in India

    Almost the lockdown 2.0 is at its end, and stats are still climbing daily. 1866 new COVID-19 cases, 610 new recoveries, and 69 new deaths were recorded yesterday. With the addition of these stats, now there are a total of 22,569 active cases. 7747 patients recovered from this pandemic, and the death toll is now at 1008. As the statistics are multiplying, there are full chances of extension of nationwide lockdown.

    Some districts are declared as COVID-19 free, but still, around 32 states and union territories are affected by this pandemic. A few States or Union Territories are severely affected by this virus, such as Maharashtra, Gujarat, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, etc.


    Every single day, the toll is mounting in Maharashtra and Maharashtra is declared as the biggest hotspot of COVID-19 in India. With the addition of 692 new cases, 106 recoveries, and 31 new deaths, there are a total of 9282 confirmed cases in Maharashtra, out of which 7495 cases are still active. Around 1388 cumulative recoveries are recorded so far in Maharashtra. Total of 399 deaths is confirmed till now in Maharashtra alone. Mumbai is the most affected city in Maharashtra and has around 6169 confirmed COVID-19 cases alone. More than 390 cases are confirmed in the previous 24 hours in Mumbai.

    Gujrat is at the second position in consideration of the number of positive cases. With the spike of 226 new positive cases, now there are a total of 3774 confirmed cases in Gujrat. A total of 434 recovered cases are recorded so far, out of which 40 are confirmed in the previous 24 hours. With the addition of 19 new deaths, a total of 181 deaths are recorded so far in Gujrat. Some biggest COVID-19 hotspots in Gujarat are Ahmadabad, Vadodara, and Surat.

    S.no  Hotspot No. of cases
    1 Ahmadabad 2542
    2 Vadodara 255
    3 Surat 570

    More than 90 hotspots are confirmed and sealed in Delhi. Sanitization of these hotspots nare being done. Including 206 new positive cases, there are a total of 3314 COVID-19 cases in Delhi. 2182 cases are currently active and with 201 new recoveries, there are a total of 1078 recovered cases so far. No new death is recorded in previous 24 hours.

    Madhya Pradesh is also facing a Coronavirus crisis, and after including 222 new cases, now there are around 2387 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Madhya Pradesh. 1894 cases are active currently and 373 recoveries are recorded so far in Madhya Pradesh. With the addition of 10 recent deaths, there are now around 120 fatalities registered in MP.

    Some of the precautionary measures that may be helpful in defeating this pandemic are –

    • Social distancing
    • Use mask and sanitizer
    • Stay at home and follow the lockdown
    • Keep washing your hands with soap at regular intervals
    • Install Aarogya setu application
    • Keep distance from unhealthy person


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