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    Covid-19: Corona virus cases in 1 to 1 lakh in 111 days, 68% cases in 4 states

     The government has extended the lockdown till May 31 to prevent the spread of corona virus, but the country has been under lockdown for almost 2 months and despite this corona virus cases have crossed 1 lakh. The first case of corona virus in the country was reported on 30 January and since then, more than 1 lakh cases have been reported in 111 days. According to the Union Health Ministry, by 9 am on Tuesday, the total cases of corona virus across the country has increased to 101139. So far, 3163 people have died due to Corona virus. During the last 24 hours, 4970 new cases of Corona virus have been reported in the country.

    However, out of total 101139 corona virus cases across the country, there are 39173 people who have been completely cured by defeating this deadly virus. Excluding the figures of the dead and the cured people, there are currently 58802 active cases of corona virus in the country.

    Although corona virus infection has not spread rapidly across the country, there are 4 states that account for about 68 percent of the total corona virus cases across the country, and Maharashtra is the only state where nearly all of the corona virus cases across the country 35 percent are cases. A total of 35058 cases of corona virus have been reported so far in Maharashtra and 1249 people have lost their lives. Maharashtra is followed by Gujarat with 11745 cases, Tamil Nadu with 11760 cases, and Delhi with 10054 cases. These four states account for about 70 percent of the total corona virus cases across the country.

    So far, more than 48.90 lakh cases of corona virus have been registered and more than 3.20 lakh people have lost their lives. However, more than 19 lakh people have been cured by beating the corona virus all over the world. The highest number of corona virus cases reported in the world so far is in the United States, where so far 15.50 lakh cases have been registered and more than 91 thousand people have lost their lives


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