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    ( COVID-19 ) How Superstars urging to Stay safe at Home?

    Coronavirus or COVID-19 or so-called Chinese Wuhan virus has created chaos around the world. The situation around the globe is getting aggravated day by day. The only country which claims to have complete control over the virus is China only. This virus is like another regular flu but with worse symptoms and more lethality. There’s currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

    How to protect yourself from Coronavirus?

    Do’s –
    • Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds, with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub
    • Cover your nose and mouth with a disposable tissue or flexed elbow when you cough or sneeze
    • Avoid close contact (1 meter or 3 feet) with unwell people
    • Stay home and self-isolate from others in the household if you feel unwell
    Don’ts –
    • Touch your eyes, nose, or mouth if your hands are not clean.

    Current World situation:

    Corona or covid 19 is one of the most lethal epidemic ever on earth. It has been found that the coronavirus is from the families of SARS(2003).

    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome are genetically similar and from the same family, but the diseases they cause are different.

    Confirm cases Recovered cases Deaths
    9,40,753 1,96,221 47,519
    With highest numbers of cases in US followed by Italy and Spain. With estimate that soom Germany will surpass China in total cases.

    Lockdown in World –

    • Russia will have a paid ‘stay at home’ holiday this week.
    • South Africa went into a 21-day lockdown.
    • New Zealand went on full lockdown on March 25.
    • The UK went into full coronavirus lockdown on March 23.
    • Argentina went into a lockdown on March 21
    • Germany, Malaysia, Israel and many more to count with same sensation.

    Lockdown In India:

    COVID-19 is more disastrous than SARS or MERS-CoV. This disease spread through the air, water, or surface transmission. Will keep on multiply. If there is no lockdown, then it is believed that A person with a virus can infect 300-400 people on average. Further, those can affect the other 200-300. This chain will continue to grow, as will result in an unimaginable nightmare.

    So to contain this epidemic, we need to break this chain. The only possible way which seems realistic is a total lockdown with self-quarantine. Some suggest, to have a nationwide test, but that is not possible in a country like India with such a significant population.

    Still, some are taking the lockdown subtly, which will lead to a national emergency: our prime minister, actors, and every social personality with police and doctors. Everyone is urging to stay at home.

    How Actors and Famous personality urging to stay safe?

    • Asha Bhosle– ” India is in a huge war, and we have to conquer this battle. And please stay at home”
    • Vidya Balan– ” It is a really hard time for us. We Indians always unite whenever such situations occur. This time we have to unite by maintaining social distancing.
    • Amitabh Bachchan– “Stamping started on hands with voter ink, in Mumbai .. keep safe , be cautious , remain isolated if detected ..”
    • Akshay Kumar– Khiladi reprimand the people breaking lockdown and urged everyone to support the government.
    • Almost every social personality request everyone one to stay inside and support the government.


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