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    COVID-19 News: 2,250,752 cases, and 154,261 deaths registered so far globally

    Any of the nations are not able defeat  the spreading of this epic COVID-19 crisis. Government ministries are announcing strict and helpful decisions to people for proper prevention of this disease. Lockdown is a big part of preventing the Novel Corona Virus, declared by most of the countries. Most of the deaths taken place and continues going so far by not following rules filtering ordered.

    Currently, there are a total of 2,250,752 confirmed cases, and 154,261 fatalities are confirmed so far, critical cases are around 57,136 (4%) of total cases. Around 571,145 patients recovered successfully and discharged.

    Total number of cases in America crossed the toll of 7 lakh and now there around 710,021 confirmed cases. 37,158 fatalities are confirmed so far. Around 2500 deatgs are registered in the last 24 hours.

    Many of the inactive people are not contributing to the nation’s duty and are causes of the spread of this massive pandemic. Many of the countries acting strictly to like these people.

    Country Total Cases Deaths
    USA 710,021 37,158
    Spain 190,839 20,002
    Italy 172,434 22,745
    France 147,969 18,681
    Germany 141,397 4,352
    UK 108,692 14,576
    China 82,719 4,632
    Iran 79,494 4,958
    Turkey 78,546 1,769
    Belgium 36,138 5,163

    Here the most affected nations enlisted, that are passing through an enormous situation. To save your country, follow the guidelines issued by government and follow the lockdown.


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