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    COVID-19 News – Cases mounts to 1,998,111 and 126,604 deaths confirmed globally

    Novel Corona Virus is the only topic now time; the whole world is affected by this critical situation and finding for medication. Till now, no antidote is found by any of the nations but still in searching for it. Spreading of cases is not possible to contain without the antidote.

    Worldwide total cases rise to 1,998,553, and confirmed deaths are 126,688. Total recovered cases are 478,925, these recovered cases indicating that we will soon take off from this disease and the rate is high in comparison of deaths. But still, have to be safe; otherwise, the death toll may take a dangerous look.

    The most troubled nation from this crisis is the most powerful nation, the USA, with reaching cases to 613,886; deaths are mounted so high as 26,047. At the same time, total active examples are 549,019 total land cases recovered as 38,820, as America’s president Donald Trump declared openly that deaths can’t we dare to jump above 100,000 means they are finding for medicine seriously and are near to it.

    Most of the nations are looking for medication to contain this Pandemic as soon as possible, let’s watch soon who will find it.

    Most affected nations are enlisted below –

    County name Total cases Deaths confirmed
    USA 613,886 26,047
    Spain 174,060 18,255
    Italy 162,488 21,067
    France 143,303 15,729
    Germany 132,210 3,495
    UK 93,873 12,107
    China 82,295 3,342
    Iran 74,877 4,683
    Turkey 65,111 1,403
    Belgium 31,119 4,157

    Our team urges you to stay at your home and participate in the Lockdown seriously to stop the Chain of transmission of coronavirus. This will be helpful in saving lives.


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