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    COVID-19 World News: 345,406 cases and 26,812 deaths registered so far in New York

    The world is going through a very painful time due to the corona virus. The worldwide coronation virus and eventually death figures are increasing with every movement of the clock. The world’s superpower is on its knees in front of this deadly virus. So far more than 80 thousand people have lost their lives here. But the worst situation in America is that of New York City, which attracts the world for its glaring, wealth and wealth. The situation here is so bad that now New York is ranked fourth in the world after America, Britain and Italy in death. Spain and France also lag behind Corona virus centers in Europe.

    According to the website Worldometer, which provides information related to the corona virus, 345,406 cases of corona virus have been reported in New York. At the same time, 26,812 people have lost their lives due to this deadly disease. While in Spain the death toll is 26,621 and in France 26,380. The number of active cases of Corona in New York City is 260,494. 9,264 people have lost their lives in New Jersey, USA. Talking about America, so far 1,367,638 people have been infected with the corona virus. Out of which the number of active cases is 1,030,515. 80,787 people have lost their lives here. At the same time, 16,514 people are currently undergoing treatment in hospitals in critical condition.

    If we move from America to Europe, the situation here seems to be out of control. The worst situation in Europe is from Britain. So far 219,183 cases of corona have been reported here, out of which 186,984 cases are of active cases. At the same time, 1,559 people are swinging in hospitals amidst death. So far 31,855 people have died here. Which is the highest in Europe. After this, Italy is at the forefront of Europe for the last two months. There have also been 30,560 deaths here. The number of corona infections in Italy has reached 219,070, while the number of active cases is 105,186.

    New York- India TV

    How many cases of corona in India

    The cases of corona virus in the country continue to increase unilaterally, 3277 new corona virus cases have occurred in the country within the last 24 hours due to which the total figure of corona virus cases in the country has increased to 62,939. Within the last 24 hours, 128 people have died due to Corona virus in the country and now the number of people who lost their lives due to this virus has increased to 2109. Although the number of people recovering from the virus has also increased, there have been 1511 new people across the country during the last 24 hours who have been able to defeat the Corona virus and have fully recovered. The number of people recovering after beating the Corona virus in the country has also increased to 19357.


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