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    National Technology Day History| 22 years ago, India surprised the world by successful nuclear test in Pokhran

    The day of May 11 is very special for the country globally as this day is celebrated as National Technology Day i.e. ‘National Technology Day’. On this day, there was a technology revolution in the country. The day is recorded in history as a successful ‘Pokhran nuclear test’ in 1998 and India’s great progress in space. This day was the first step in a series of five atomic bombings carried out by India at the Pokhran test range of the Indian Army and India successfully fired Operation Shakti missile on this day.

    India completely changed the nuclear game worldwide by testing nuclear missiles. India challenged the never-ending dominance of the Western powers thanks to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam and former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

    Dodge the US intelligence agency

    India carried out the nuclear test in a highly intelligence manner as India’s spies detected India’s effort in 1995 and under pressure India had to postpone its test. This time India did not want to leave any stone unturned. The test site was visited several times by Kalam and his team. He roamed the area for several months as a military officer, but no one got to know him and then a successful nuclear test took place.

    On the morning of 11 May 1998, India conducted its nuclear test near Khetolai village in Pokhran in the Thar Desert. The shaft named White House exploded. India surprised everyone by testing a 58 kg ton nuclear bomb. It was four times more powerful than Little Boy, the atomic bomb dropped by the US during the Second World War in Hiroshima, Japan. The world was shocked how India did this feat but India had finished its work.
    After which the then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee declared India a nuclear-rich country. After that India became the sixth country to join the nuclear club countries. That is why May 11 to 1999 is celebrated as National Technology Day (National Technology Day).

    The missile trident was successfully tested

    Apart from nuclear tests, India also successfully tested its first indigenous aircraft – Hansa 3, developed by the National Aerospace Laboratories, Bengaluru. In addition, India’s Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) successfully test-fired India’s surface-to-air missile Trishul and added to the achievement of this day. It was incorporated by the Army and Navy and became a part of the India guided missile development program.

    Prime Minister Modi congratulated Technology Day on Twitter

    PM Modi, while sharing a video of Mana’s talk about the Pokaran test, wrote that the 1998 Pokhran trials showed how a strong political leadership can make a big difference.


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