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    Donald Trump targets WHO, says organization is a puppet in China’s hands

    US President Donald Trump once again attacked the World Health Organization on Monday and said it was a ‘puppet’ in China’s hands. Trump claimed that if he had not banned travel from China, the corona virus would have killed more people in the country, which the health agency had ‘protested’. Trump told reporters at the White House, “WHO is a puppet in China’s hands.” They are China-centric if correctly stated. But they are the puppets in China’s hands. ‘

    ‘WHO was against my ban’

    Trump said in response to a question, ‘I think they have done a very bad job. The US gives them 450 million dollars every year. China pays them $ 38 million a year. ”Trump said the World Health Organization was against a travel ban from China at the end of January. He said, “WHO was against it.” They were against my ban. They said that you do not need it, it is too much and too strict but they proved to be wrong. ‘

    Trump also attacked Joe Biden

    Trump said that presidential candidate from the Democratic Party and former Vice President Joe Biden were also against the ban. He said, ‘Slack Joe Biden had said the same thing. He said that I hate foreigners. This was said because I said that people coming from China cannot enter the country. You cannot enter our country too soon. And Biden said that I hate foreigners. ‘

    Trump said, “If I had not imposed the ban, this country would have lost thousands more.” This was a very important ban. People do not like to talk about the ban but it was very important. ”The President claimed that no one except him wanted the ban to be imposed.


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