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    Environment minister Prakash Javadekar worried about environment post lockdown, writes letter to states

    As more concessions are being given in lockdown, common activities are increasing. In such a situation, the central government has once again started worrying about the environment. During the Coronavirus period, the restrictions purified the air, reduced the dirt in the rivers, the water of the rivers became clean and the noise pollution was just a name. But after the concessions in lockdown, the possibility of loss of all this has increased again.

    In such a situation, Union Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar (Prakash Javadekar) has written a letter to the Chief Ministers. He wrote in the letter that due to the Kovid 19 lockdown, pollution in industrial activities, traffic etc. has been affected.

    The environment minister wrote that now air and water are more clean. Noise pollution has come down. In such a situation, considering this as a benchmark, there should be an effort to maintain the environment in a similar way.

    Now, when we are returning to normal life, it will be a challenge for all of us to maintain this level. In the letter, Javadekar has said that the state government will have to strictly implement pollution control rules.

    He said that industrial waste, emissions etc. should be controlled in rivers. There is a need to make the public aware. Javadekar has appealed to the Chief Ministers for cooperation. Along with that, they should also give instructions in this regard to their respective departments.


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