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    Former director of World Health Organization said- The virus will end without vaccine, people have amazing immunity

    Immunity continues to be debated amidst increasing cases of corona. Tips to increase immunity are very much discussed and new things like herd immunity are also being learned. Clinical trials of eight different vaccines are going on simultaneously and it is expected that the vaccine will be made in the next three months.

    Meanwhile, Professor Karol Sikora, a former director of the World Health Organization and a cancer specialist, suggested that coronoviruses “may end naturally before any vaccine develops”. “We are seeing a similar pattern everywhere and I think we have more immunity than anticipated,” said Professor Karol Sikora, who directed WHO’s cancer program.

    Professor Sikora is full of hope

    While the corona cases in the world touch 50 million, Professor Sikora has hoped to return from this stage on a good day. He said in his statement, “We need to keep the spread of the virus slow, and it can go out on its own. It is my opinion that this is happening practically. 

    Journal of Clinical Practice Report

    Professor Sikora’s hopeful remarks came after a study published in the International Journal of Clinical Practice that examined UK data. It has estimated that around 19 million people have been exposed to the virus in the UK alone and after this, the real test is immunity. However, the situation is still under control due to social distancing and lockdown.

    Warning on herd immunity

    However, Dr. Michael Ryan, Health Emergency Director at the World Health Organization, has misconstrued the concept of herd immunity. Speaking to the media last week, he has also criticized the thinking of the world’s governments in which they are exempting from free will and very mild restrictions in lockdown thinking that their countrymen will suddenly get “magical immunity”.

    According to herd immunity, if a disease spreads to a large part of a group, then human immunity helps the infected people to fight against that disease. During this time, those who are completely cured after fighting the disease, they become ‘immune’ from that disease. That is, they have immune properties.


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