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    From now, COVID-19 will not extend social elimination criteria: said Trump

    As the world is passing through a massive situation due to this COVID-19 epidemic. Most of the nations declared the lockdown. But USA President has released shocking news following these days. President Donald Trump said that on Wednesday, the national government would not expand its Corona Virus social distancing guidelines after Thursday’s ending. And his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, indicated that by July, the country would certainly be stoned again.

    He said he expects to hold mass campaign meetings in the coming months with thousands of contributors.

    To higher his dignity, Trump said that he plans to resume the out of state journey after spending more than a month primarily co-operating with the White House, the journey of next week will begin in Arizona. Although medical specialists have said that, there is small confidence in having a vaccine discovered by then.

    White House spokesman “Jude Deere” tweets that Trump would inspect a Honeywell facility in Phoenix on Tuesday to call attention to ‘significant medical device production and the addition of 500 producing employment in the state’. Donald Trump announces in his tweet that, Two weeks ago, we re-released the Guidelines for opening-up America.

    On Wednesday, the White House was also focused on the possibility of an experimental medication, “Remdesivir”, which is assumed to be effective against the Coronavirus in a new study.


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