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    Government will decide whether team will play in India World Cup or not: BCCI

    Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Friday gave relief for the T20 World Cup, saying that stadiums that have a seating capacity of 40,000 people can seat spectators in stadiums up to 10,000 from next month. But the BCCI is not thinking too far about it and says that the decision of whether the Indian team will take part in the World Cup or not will depend on the Indian government. A BCCI official told IANS that the Indian team wants to take part in the T20 World Cup, but the final decision is to be taken by the government and health officials as the safety of the players is a priority.

    The official said that this was a bold move by the Australian Government and I am convinced that they would have taken this step only after examining the state of the game in Australia. We would be very happy to participate in the T20 World Cup in Australia, but many more things have to be taken care of and all these are health related. The things that have to be decided after taking into consideration are not in the hands of the BCCI. He said that we have to take a decision after looking at the instructions of the Government of India and the health authorities.

    The officer said the presence of fans may be a risk. He said that there would be a risk of fans being in the stadium in the World Cup, especially given the long and uncomplicated cases of the Covid-19. At the same time, ICC is adopting the wait and wait policy for the World Cup. She has said that she is working on her strategy for the program.

    An ICC official, without discussing the status of the Covid-19 in Australia, said that the potential planning according to the schedule is from the host country. Had told about When he was asked that since some players had said that he is not comfortable about playing in empty stadiums without spectators, then is it part of the planning to approve the audience in the stadium? To this, the officer said, there is nothing to add.


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