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    Gujarat Minister Bhupendra Singh Chudasama gets huge relief from Supreme Court

    New Delhi: Gujarat Law Minister Bhupendra Singh Chudasama has got a big relief from the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has issued a notice on the application of Bhupendra Chudasama and has currently stayed the decision of the Gujarat High Court to cancel the assembly elections.

    Bhupendra Singh had filed an appeal in the Supreme Court against the decision of Gujarat High Court. The High Court on Tuesday dismissed the 2017 election of Minister of State Bhupendra Singh Chudasama on charges of misconduct and manipulation.

    In 2017, Congress candidate Ashwin Rathod, who contested against Bhupendra Singh on the Dholka Assembly seat, had filed a petition in the High Court challenging the election of Bhupendra Singh.

    Bhupendra won the 2017 Gujarat Assembly Elections by a narrow margin of 327 votes. It was alleged in the election petition that Bhupendra adopted corrupt conduct and violated rules at various stages of the election process, especially at the time of counting of votes.

    During the hearing of the case, Chudasama’s private secretary was seen talking on a mobile phone inside the counting center in CCTV footage of the counting. The election officer was also reprimanded by the court for his behavior.

    After winning the election, Bhupendra got the post of in-charge of departments of education, law and justice, legislature and parliamentary affairs etc. in the Gujarat government.


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