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    How TikTok Rose To Fame by Breaking All The Odds

    TikTok is one of the dominant social platforms we have today. It is a significant competitor for Facebook, Instagram, and other major social platforms. TikTok had to surpass many obstacles to attain this spot and become an important social platform with users across all the countries. In this article, I’m about to showcase how TikTok outpaced the struggles and attained the spot of one among the leading social applications. 

    The Early Days of TikTok:

    The Chinese start-up ByteDance rolled out TikTok. Before launching it globally in 2016, the platform was prevalent in China and had a good reach. While the platform was launched in 2016, the tech giants Facebook and Twitter thought TikTok would not grow. But, to their surprise, within a period of two years, the platform established it strongly across all the countries. Statistics noted that nearly 65% of teenagers in the USA were active users of TikTok. This lip-synching social platform reached this height amidst the presence of heavy competition from Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The teenagers use to buy real tiktok likes packages, leading them to gain more traction for their TikTok videos.

    How TikTok Left Its Competitors In Shock:

    None anticipated that TikTok would grow as a leading social platform within a very minimal period of two years. In 2018, TikTok had a considerable number of users in the countries with many internet users such as the USA, Canada, India, and Brazil. Thus, TikTok had entrenched it strongly and grew as a strong competitor for Facebook and Instagram. The unprecedented growth of TikTok gave jitters to Facebook as it had been in the situation to do something to restrain the growth of TikTok. On the other hand, many paid services also had their inception to benefit the TikTok users. For instance, there are notable packages like buy tiktok views from services like Bribble that offer quality engagement rate to the TikTok influencers. Thus, the unstoppable growth of TikTok prompted Facebook to carry out wiser measures to sustain its spot as a significant social application. 

    The Way TikTok Surpassed The Struggles:

    To put an end to the growth of TikTok, Facebook came up with the TikTok clone ‘Lasso’. This new platform was the exact duplication of TikTok. This is the move that was taken forward by Facebook to hamper the growth of TikTok. However, such moves did not avail any benefit to Facebook. TikTok continued to expand its territory as its user base continued to flourish consistently. Through this, one could evaluate the potential of TikTok, which is one of the sustainable social platforms we have today. However, many people refrained from using Lasso as it didn’t have anything new and appealing. The platform looked the exact same as TikTok. So, many went with TikTok as the platform had a wide range of content from various influencers. Since Lasso did not have anything new, people were not intrigued to use it, and people stayed with TikTok. Thus, the activity from Facebook to stop the growth of TikTok did not work as expected. TikTok had faced many such accusations till date. However, today, it surpasses all this competition and stands as the primary social platform. 

    Why Marketers Prefer TikTok?

    Marketers had a huge love for TikTok as the sustainability of this platform impressed them. Moreover, social media marketers today have plans for nearly two, three years. For instance, if a brand decides to promote it on a social platform, the marketer has to lay plans for the next two years. Hence, the platform should have consistent growth for the coming times without losing its user base. On seeing the way how TikTok withstood the storm, many marketers thronged on this social application to do brand promotions. Thus, it made TikTok an important e-commerce destination as the number of brands choosing this platform continued to rise. This is the growth of TikTok over the period of time. However, TikTok also did not fail to adapt to the changes. It altered and made changes to its application according to the new trends. TikTok came up with innovative features such as the TikTok remix which is a huge reach among people. Thus, TikTok use to garner people’s attention frequently. TweetPhoto is the service that extended its help to many amateur content creators on TikTok.  

    Wrapping Up:

    TikTok continues to expand its boundaries as new people are making a move into this social application. Today, even B2B marketers have started to scale their products on this social application. Hence, this platform may reach new heights in the coming times and may surpass the user base of TikTok. 


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