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    How to keep your trees healthy

    The trees in the garden or backyard are one of the most important assets that you possess and you must take the utmost care of the trees at all times. The trees provide shade to our houses, surroundings, neighbourhoods and help in keeping the pollution levels down. The trees also reduce the soil erosion and provide the natural habitat for the birds, animals and wildlife. The trees add a relaxing ambience to the surrounding and they have a calming influence on people.

    Ways of keeping the trees healthy

    There are various ways and methods in which you can keep your trees perfectly healthy and ensure that they continue to thrive and blossom. Some of the most effective tips and ways of ensuring that are listed below.

    Planting the right type of trees

    This is particularly significant when you have decided on planting trees in your backyard. To ensure that you multiple years of the benefits from the trees planted in your garden you must choose the tree species that are suited to your area’s climatic and soil conditions. This means that the light available in the area, the amount of rainfall, sun and the soil type are all conducive to the growth of the specific tree species that you are going to plant. If that’s not the case then the tree will not survive for a long time and all your efforts, as well as time, will go in vain. You can contact the local administration or the tree services RI to find out the best tree species to be planted in your area.

    Removing the stakes early

    A tree that can sway through the wind has a higher probability of developing a stronger trunk. So if the new tree you have planted is unable to stand on its own you must use two stakes on either side of the tree with a flexible, loose tie in the middle for supporting the trunk. You must remove the stakes as soon as a tree can stand alone on its own.

    Keeping grass away

    The grass that grows against the trunk of the tree is competing with the tree for the nutrients, water and air and the grass usually ends up trumping the tree in utilizing those resources. The young trees develop poorly if the grass grows right beside it. For best output, you must maintain the mulched grass-free area surrounding the trunk of the tree.


    The trees need regular water supply to blossom and thrive. You must water deeply for saturating the root zone and you must not rely on the lawn sprinklers for the job, Watering should be done properly especially during the summertime and on occasional drought-like situations.

    Fertilization when required

    The young trees might require occasional fertilizing however the established trees don’t necessarily need to be fed. You must only feed when the tree is not growing properly or there is yellow foliage. A soil test helps determine the type of nutrients that your tree needs in such cases.




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