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    How to Study Mathematics During Exams?

    Some students are afraid of mathematics from their childhood, they take it as a burden and do not like to study it. They like to study other subjects and score better in other subjects as compared to mathematics. Students should not be afraid of maths, it is an interesting subject, maths is used everywhere in the world. Every student should be good at maths. If a student is afraid of studying maths they can never create interest in it and studying forcefully will not lead them anywhere.

    If students want to study mathematics they should create interest in the subject. The main reason that students do not have an interest in maths is that they are not knowing the basics of the subject and they do not understand anything going on in the class. Missing one lecture can also turn out to be harmful to students as they will not understand anything after that topic which they skipped. See tricky maths puzzles with answers.

    There is no need to take stress if your math exam is coming near, you just need to practice. The most important factors that decide your academic performance in any subject are interest in the subject, the concentration of the student while studying, how much practice a student can do, how much they can study in one day, how many hours they can study in a day, and many more. Teachers can teach on the best app for teachers.

    In any exam, it is of utmost importance to read the directions carefully. In many mathematics exams, there are certain criteria for awarding marks to the students. There is mostly stepwise marking in maths, students need to solve the questions by writing proper steps, making diagrams, and writing statements and names of the method used by you.

    These all steps have individual marks, if you have done the whole procedure of solving the question correctly and taken out a wrong answer, you will get marks for every step and fewer marks will be cut of the last step of taking out the answer. We can take an example like if there is a question of three marks and you have solved the whole question correctly and taken out the wrong answer, your half or maximum one marks will be cut and you will be awarded two or two point five marks.

    You require writing as clearly as possible so the teacher checking your paper does not misinterpret one number for another and cut your full marks, later you will be left with no option but to agree with whatever marks teachers gave you. Some teachers also expect you to write your final answer in a box so that it is easy for the teacher to locate your final answer. Mathematics also has vocabulary like the English subject.

    When you have to score maximum marks in a subject, you need to take it seriously. Do as much as practice you can do daily, maths require practice and you can not avoid it under any condition. If you put your best you will surely get best results. In online learning, you can do as many courses as you want. There is no need to start directly from difficult questions, you will just start hating the subject more. Start from the basics and continue increasing the level of difficulty, and keep on doing and you will get very good marks.

    Homework is given to repeat and learn the concepts from the lesson. Do not copy from others or skip it. When you do your homework, you revise what was taught by teachers in the class. By comprehending basic math concepts, you can easily erect to continue learning. If you see that you are repeating problems or concepts, it’s apt that those will be assessed. Consider your homework like a study manual.

    Many teachers will give you with previous years question papers exams to practice. You can even find previous year question papers online. Revise the question papers and go over the homework and notes. You can create your own question papers and solve them. Solve your paper and then check it yourself, find the answers online and award marks for each question. Staying attentive and studying in advance deserves rewards.


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