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    In Wuhan, the goal of completing 1.10 million free tests in 10 days, but for this, people are escaping from their homes

    The deadly Covid-19 pandemic spread across the world from Wuhan city of China. The lockdown may have ended there, but after six new cases were reported in the second round of infection, the government has started the Karena test of all 1.1 crore residents from Wednesday. So far, 50 thousand cases of infection have been reported in Wuhan and 3,800 people have lost their lives. The purpose of the test is to identify the uninfected infectives.

    The local administration has named the testing process a ’10-day battle’. However, this is also being questioned at the local level itself. According to the Health Daily newspaper, for doing all the tests in 10 days, Rage will have to do about 7.30 lakh tests, while a maximum of 1 lakh tests can be done in a day.

    ‘South Korea was able to test only 20 thousand tests in March’

    It is being argued that Rage was able to do only 20 thousand tests in March after more cases were reported. Wuhan deputy mayor Li Qiang also said last month that 46,000 tests could be performed at 53 locations in the city. In such a situation, all people will be tested in 10 days, there is doubt on this.

    ’40 to 50 lakh people have been screened in the first phase in Wuhan’

    According to local media reports, 40 to 50 lakh people have been screened in the first phase in Wuhan. According to Wuhan University deputy director Yang Zhanki, the investigation of the remaining six million people is possible. The hotline set up by the mayor of Wuhan is replying that the government is prioritizing residential compound where elderly people are densely populated and rural migrant workers in Pades.

    ‘Results will be available in 48 hours of the test’

    Those who have got the test done last week and children below six years of age have been given concession. Results will be available in 48 hours of the test. At the same time, Natis, aired on the Saashal media, wrote, ‘It is the responsibility of you, family and society to get the nucleic acid test done. Register for a testing slot at your nearest center.’

    Government will raise 1050 crores Rs. Testing expense

    The government has tested the cost of testing with medical insurance scheme. In such a situation, the government will bear 1050 crores rupees. However, despite the opening of the lockdown, Laenga, who prefers to stay at home, says that he is in danger of losing his queue. Epidemiologist Wu Junyu says that not everyone needs a test.


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