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    How to Live Stream on YouTube

    Live events and productions are a terrific way to attract viewers to a new venture. By live streaming, YouTube users share a unique brand with viewers throughout the world. The events can range from cooking shows to musical creations that the person wants to share with others. 

    For businesses, YouTube could be an invaluable platform for showcasing products and discussing services. The live events help business owners introduce the company and workers to viewers, and many consumers can relate more with the owner and staff. By reviewing steps for how to live stream on the platform, business owners discover a new tool for branding the company and gaining more exposure.  

    Set Up Your YouTube Account

    To get started, the person must sign up for YouTube and create a user account. Some live streaming features require a premium subscription to access, and any fees must be paid upfront. Once the person has verified the account and an email address, the user has access to all the features available through the platform.

    When live streaming an event, the person must maintain the connection to the platform and must select equipment that is compatible with the platform. Businesses and individuals who need more information about hosting live streaming events get started by contacting Epiphan now.  

    Create a Channel for Your Live Streams

    From the user account menu on the far right corner of the YouTube page, click on “Add Channel.” Once the platform creates the channel, select “Customize Channel” and follow the onscreen instructions to make changes and adjustments to the channel. Users can change the layout of the channel page, create a unique brand, and add design elements to the channel. 

    Review Settings for All Options

    The settings on the YouTube channel allow users to create trailers for events and videos to attract more subscribers. When hosting an event, the account holder can create trailers and add the productions to social media outlets to advertise the live event. The user can add video spotlights for the channel homepage of previous events or videos that were uploaded to the channel. Each homepage contains up to 12 sections for videos and other productions.  

    Tap Go Live to Start the Stream

    Before the event, all elements of the broadcast must be ready, and a test run could provide assistance with items that are out of place or equipment adjustments. When the person is ready to start the broadcast, the individual can click the “Go Live” button and get started. Once the event broadcast is over, the live feed is stopped, and a video of the event appears on the YouTube channel.  

    Manage Comments and Reactions

    After the video appears on the platform, all subscribers can post comments and reactions to the broadcast. The user can control comments and remove any negative posts from the video. The person can also interact with incoming commenters as the broadcast is live streaming. The user can block any subscriber at any time from the channel. 

    Live-streaming events can increase exposure for a company or individual, and the options are available through platforms such as YouTube. Live events attract a larger audience and give the viewers a chance to interact with the host and all parties involved in the production. For businesses, the opportunities can make a great impression on followers and make the subscribers feel included in the production. By learning more about how to live stream on YouTube, anyone can create and host a successful event.  


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