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    Useful Tips to Make An Engaging YouTube Video

    You just know when you watch a good video. It’s interesting and fun and has you hooked within seconds. Can you pinpoint exactly what it is though that appeals to you? Perhaps it’s a mix of music, story, and visuals? Whilst that’s a good starting point, everyone reacts differently to content and the key is to understand what kind of content is going to work for your audience. Then, it’s easy to use an online video editor like Promo to make it happen. 

    Top Tips to Create Engaging Videos with an Online Video Editor 

    When using an online video maker, you can use a combination of your own content with their templates. Of course, you can simply customize their video templates but sometimes you might want to showcase your product, for instance. In that case, here are some tips to allow you to create stunning quality videos: 

    • Decide on the video type
    • Use the rule of thirds for your own content
    • Leverage templates that match your keyword
    • Focus on your viewers
    • Respond to feedback and trends
    • Apply color and animations 
    • Engage emotions 

    Decide on Video Type 

    There are many different videos you can upload onto YouTube that could be product videos or vlogs and stories. Only your creativity limits you because anything is possible especially when you work with a video maker. This is because it’s so easy to use video templates or even drag and drop your own content to create stunning quality videos. Before you get started with your first video though, make sure you know what you want to share with your audience and why. Everything then follows on naturally from your plan and you’ll easily be able to edit videos accordingly. 

    Use The Rule of Thirds For Your Own Content

    When you make a video, especially if this is your first video, it’s useful to keep the rule of thirds in mind. Essentially, you picture a 3 by 3 grid across your frame and make sure that your main subject matter sits at the intersections or along the grid lines. This has been proven over time with all forms of art to provide images that are pleasing for the eye. Of course, any video templates you choose to work with would already have this in place. 

    Leverage Templates That Match Your Keyword

    Why not enhance your own content with video templates or at least apply some of their ideas? You can easily search the library in your online video maker with your keywords to find templates that would suit your business. Then, it’s easy to use the online video editor options to customize and integrate with your own content to launch your perfect video online. 

    Focus on your Viewers

    It’s easy to forget our audience when we have a product and a brand that we’re passionate about. Remember though that people like to think about themselves and their lives, even when watching a free video. The more you can answer their problems with solutions and ideas then the more engaged they’ll be. That’s why you don’t have to create videos that are overly complex. It’s really more about focusing on sharing how your brand supports whatever your customers need. 

    Respond to Feedback and Trends

    Things move so fast these days with social media and digital technology. Furthermore, people want to belong to a community. Therefore, the more you respond to comments and design video content that answers particular trends the people will be more likely to stop and listen. It also means you keep things fresh and up to date.

    Apply Color and Animations

    There’s a reason that an online video editor offers you a range of effects for you to apply whether it’s funky colors or whacky animations. Clearly, you shouldn’t overdo it when video editing but the software features can still be great to make your message more memorable and fun. Before you get started though, you might want to do a bit of competitor research to see what else is out there. You’ll still need to design video content that appeals to your audience’s demographics. For example, millennials are obviously going to react differently to animations than baby boomers. 

    Capture Emotions 

    The secret ingredient to engaging content is emotions. We’re all human and no one wants to watch videos that are dry without humor or joy. Of course, in some cases, a bit of sadness might be relevant but it depends on your business. Either way, emotions tend to generate followers on social media like YouTube and Facebook. Have you noticed how videos of kittens and puppies are popular or even the more recent baby shark video? This is because they appeal to our basic nurturing and happy emotions. Naturally, you can’t always post kittens and puppies but think about what else might enhance your message. 

    Parting Words on Working with an Online Video Editor 

    Everything starts with a plan for how to focus on your audience and what type of video you want to create. Once you know what you’re going to do then make sure you leverage your editing tools, templates, and social media comments. Create a following by using the right combination of colors, animations, and emotions and you’ll be the YouTube video master in no time at all.


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