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    Mayawati’s attack on Kejriwal, said- the plight of laborers due to government neglect in Delhi

    Former UP chief minister and BSP chief Mayawati attacked Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal. Tweeting to Mayawati said, “Due to governmental neglect in the country’s capital Delhi, the most plight of lakhs of migrant laborers and the chaos on its border is being seen every day, the country and the world, which has become extremely sad today. Therefore, the CM here has a special responsibility to make those things less and more serious towards them. “

    Earlier Mayawati, through a tweet, demanded action from the central and state government on the culprits of Auraiya incident. He said, “Auraiya, the outrage over the heartlessness of sending the workers and injured killed in the horrific accident of UP to their homes after filling them in the assembled trucks is justified. This proves that the instructions of the CM are not taken seriously and sensitively. Has been. Extremely sad. Strict action should be taken against the culprits. “

    In the next tweet, he said, “Not only this, but everywhere in the country, the scenes of ruin, plight and hunger and thirst of millions of poor migrant laborers families are embarrassing humanity. Especially in these times of such calamity, police on these people And curbing the vandalism of the administration is very important for the central and state governments. “

    In the last tweet, Mayawati said that there is an appeal to the governments to fully utilize governmental power and resources to secure the poor migrant laborer families returning home, as well as humanity and humanity, because of their constitutional responsibility, because The country will become ‘self-sufficient’ on its own strength.


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