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    MHA issued new guidelines on the operation of workers’ trains, consent of states is not necessary

    In the midst of the country’s fourth lockdown, now the Ministry of Home Affairs has issued new guidelines regarding the return of migrant laborers. These guidelines of the Ministry of Home Affairs will have to be kept in mind while operating labor trains.

    The Ministry of Home Affairs has said that the Ministry of Railways will run the labor trains, but it will have to be discussed with the Union Home Ministry. At the same time, all states and union territories will have to appoint nodal officers, who will see the movement of workers.

    According to Railways, the Home Ministry has issued SOP in a new way. According to him, now it is not necessary that the permission of the state in which the people have to go is necessary.

    That is to say directly, now the railways can take people directly to the state where the workers have to go.

    Railway spokesperson Rajesh Vajpayee said that the consent of those states will not be needed to run the trains in which state the workers have to go.

    Earlier, Railway Minister Piyush Goyal had said that the governments of West Bengal, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh are showing laxity and slowness in approving these trains. This was followed by political uproar.

    Since May 1, the Railways have run 1,565 trains for migrant laborers and 20 lakh people have been transported home so far.


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