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    Pakistan removed 4000 terrorists from watchlist

    Pakistan removed 4000 of names from the country ’s terrorist watch list, saying it was to fulfill the country ’s obligations before a new round of assessments by the global anti-money laundering regulator. Around 1800 were removed from March.

    26/11 master mind and many other were removed:

    These names even included the ones responsible for 26/11 in India or Zaka ur-Rehman, an alias of the Lashkar-e-Taiba leader. There are many terrorists who were earlier in the list for causing terrorism around the globe. As the terrorism has grown deep into Pakistan, it has been a priority of Pakistan to save terrorists.

    NACTA and FATF stand to this decision:


    One function of this so-called banned person list is to help financial institutions avoid conducting business or processing their transactions with suspected terrorists. The list is maintained by the National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA) of Pakistan.


    Due to Pakistan’s long history of exporting terror to India and the rest of the world, the country has been placed under a grey list by Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the global watchdog for terror funding.  And FATF is not really happy for Pakistan doing this. Earlier they were given 27 points to cover up for coming out of grey list. They have only resolved 14 of those problems. To this FATF is again to examine the Pakistan and Pakistan will be held accountable for these activities.

    Report said this:

    As of 2018, this list contains approximately 7,600 names, which has been reduced to less than 3,800 in the past 18 months. According to data collected by New York-based regulatory technology company Castellum.AI, approximately 1,800 names have been removed since early March this year.

    Pakistan did not give a public explanation when these names were removed, but a Pakistani official said in an email interview that this action is to continue to fulfill the country ’s commitment to strengthen anti-terrorism guarantees.

    Talking of the AI, it have checked every aspect of the names. The similar names were also checked by the AI to verify that the names were not miss spell, or maybe some changes were in names. But AI found the names to be totally removed.

    Pakistani media reports:

    On April 15, an article was published in a Pakistani newspaper, saying that names were removed because “the list has been bloated up to 7,000 names with multiple inaccuracies such as the names of dead individuals, Afghan nationals, untraceable names without proper identifiers”.


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