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    PM Modi to hold a meeting again via video conferencing

    Today on 27, April 2020, Monday, the honourable Prime Minister of India, decided again to hold a meeting with the Chief Ministers of all the states through the video conferencing, there are several things which they can discuss on, as PM held three more meetings previously for consulting about the lockdown. It is the fourth meeting PM Modi wants to do and discuss various problems happening in the country and also he can take some decision to prevent or handle the situation.

    Discussion can occur on various topics as like previously PM Modi said to increase the duration of lockdown then maybe he will be consulted about the same because according to estimates, it doesn’t like the situation in which it is essential to finalize the lockdown yet as the cases of COVID-19 simultaneously increasing with every single day, so looks like the meeting will decide to increase the lockdown above than 16 May.

    Secondly, PM also can be consulted on the politics which will continue after the lockdown as maybe they decide about the development of the country or how they can improve the economy and recover it fastly after this lockdown, they can also apply new schemes for the poor people to earn a living.

    Or else, the meeting will occur on the discussion about to prevent the situation as in the previous meetings all CMs ordered the PPI kits, Mask and other health equipment for the public and consult about the social distancing, maybe this time they will discuss the same.


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