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    Railways said- No need for consent from states to run labor special trains; 1,565 trains run till now

    Railways said on Tuesday that it does not need the approval of the respective states to run labor special trains. Earlier, the Ministry of Home Affairs issued a Standard Operating System (SOP) for railways to run these trains to take migrant workers to their home states.

    Railway spokesperson Rajesh Bajpai said that after the new SOP, the consent of the states would not be required to run labor-specific trains.

    Goyal said- 837 trains approved for maximum Uttar Pradesh

    Earlier, Railway Minister Piyush Goyal had said, “West Bengal, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh are behind in sanctioning these trains.” Since last May 1, Railways has run 1,565 migrant labor trains. More than 20 lakh migrants have been transported to their home states.

    What was happening so far?

    • Earlier these trains were running on the demand of the state government. During this time, the guidelines of the Ministry of Home Affairs are being followed completely. Passengers are being seated in coaches with social distancing. They will undergo thermal screening on arrival and departure at the concerned station.
    • They will be sent home only after 14 days of quarantine in the home district. Special trains will run on the request of the state governments sending and calling people. Trains will not stop anywhere between the starting and the last station. It will be the responsibility of the state government to get the workers screened before boarding the train. Only those who do not have symptoms will be allowed to go.


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