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    Should You Be Buying Paid Traffic Sources for Your Website?

    We know that SEO includes a set of techniques and solutions that can bring a website to the top of the search engine results page. Today we are going to explore the concept of SEO marketing. A concept that is less discussed in the field of education.

    What Are Google’s Criteria for Ranking Sites?

    As I said, SEO is a set of ways and means. Ways to increase site rankings. We have taken these methods from how search engine algorithms work. I’m talking about Google here because it’s most important in this area.

    There are several criteria for optimizing a site. Let’s consider these criteria as points. By following each criterion, you will earn some points, and eventually, if your set of points is higher than other sites, you will get a better ranking. The interesting thing is that the range of activities that must be done to earn points is very wide. Just consider the long list of pages and off-page techniques.

    Of all these factors, three are the most important: 

    • high quality website traffic
    • Reliability, and influence. 
    • A website that scores high in these three areas will rank better. 
    • SEO marketing helps you increase your scores in these areas.

    For Google, like me and you, the customer and the audience have priority. In fact, the business of all of us depends on the satisfaction of our audience. For this reason, all of Google’s policies are aimed at attracting and retaining audiences. Google targets are search engines. People who choose to search for what they need on Google instead of using other search engines.

    All Google algorithms are designed to satisfy these search engines. In order to show the best and most relevant results to users. For this reason, the three factors of quality, reliability and penetration are very important for Google. Let’s take a closer look at these three factors.

    Do Paid Traffic Sources Actually Work? Are They Worth Buying In 2020?

    The Role Of Quality Element In SEO Marketing

    When Google decides which sites should be in the top rankings, it examines which websites offer something valuable and fresh to search engines. The value that a website creates, and its uniqueness is an important factor in achieving top rankings.

    Suppose you have a store website, and you want to sell men’s t-shirts. If you put the same product description on your website that other store sites have, you are not offering anything new and unique to users. The products you offer may be of very high quality, but the content of your website is nothing new. So Google may not realize that your website and products are great. This is where SEO marketing comes in handy. Instead of duplicate descriptions, you can provide attractive and useful content to users. What style does this t-shirt match? What colors and styles are set? What is the washing method? How to remove stains from it?

    You can do even more creative things. Ask people to send you photos of these T-shirts and share them on your website and social media. Build a community of buyers and launch engaging campaigns. There can be thousands of different ideas. The goal is to do something new, to let Google know that you are different from other sites and that you are better than them.

    The Credibility and Reliability Of A Website

    As we said, Google needs to show clients the best locales. A significant basis in such manner is the dependability of the site. On the off chance that a site is continually accepting negative criticism and surveys, it will at last lose its position. There are a few different ways to advertise SEO to show Google that you are a legitimate site in your field and that individuals trust you.


    Get joins from exceptionally definitive sites, distribute reports in legitimate news organizations, get joins from trustworthy sites identified with your field of work, and…. Truth be told, this component of correspondence is vital. For instance, on account of a similar store site and T-shirt deals, if different merchants, retailers, material industry sites, fulfilled purchasers and connection to your site, Google will find that you are solid in your field of action and different specialists will know you. Also, they trust you. 


    With this clarification, SEO advertising and external link establishment are at your administration. Utilizing the standards of SEO showcasing, you will discover on which stages it is smarter to construct joins, and with appropriate connecting, you will get valid statements from Google regarding believability and unwavering quality.

    Influence or Authority of The Site

    Google always wants to show users the most popular sites. You need to send signals to him that he is the most popular in your field. To send these signals, SEO marketing is tied to social media.

    Social signals largely indicate the popularity of brands. Therefore, it is necessary to create a network of fans. Be active on social media. Set up branded forums and forums. Ask buyers to write about their shopping experience and link to your website. Launch various campaigns and hashtags. The more your brand name is mentioned on the Internet, the more Google realizes your popularity and the more points you get.

    Is SEO Marketing the Same as Content Marketing?

    We have already talked in detail about content marketing and its relationship with SEO and targeted organic website traffic. People who equate the two are actually looking at the quality factor. This belief is not true in my opinion. Of course, content marketing and SEO are closely related and two-way, and each serves the other. However, as you can see, there are other influential factors in SEO marketing besides


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