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    Supreme Court agreed to hear seeking ban on WhatsApp payment service

    WhatsApp started the beta payment service a few days ago. A thinktank had filed a petition in the Supreme Court to stop this service. Now the Supreme Court has agreed to hear this petition. The thinktank Good Governance Chambers filed a petition in the Supreme Court against WhatsApp. ThinkTank complained that WhatsApp was licensed for beta testing to create a dedicated app for UPI transactions. Also connect this service with your messaging app. The thinktank alleges that the company has violated regulations related to regulatory.

    Asked to present your case within three weeks

    Accepting the petition of ThinkTank Good Governance Chambers, the bench headed by Chief Justice has asked RBI, NPCI and WhatsApp to present their case within the next three weeks. WhatsApp has decided that it will not start the service until the completion is completed. According to reports, WhatsApp has stopped the full service till the end of this month after testing. WhatsApp 10 million users have signed up in the beta phase.


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